Saturday, September 18, 2010


So I'm not gonna lie to you, I didn't have too many expectations for Devil. I knew that all the actors were new comers and we didn't really see anyone we know. The reason this movie has a good tag is because it is written by M. Night Shyamalan. Either way it was still an interesting pretty good film.

I would not call this a scary movie at all, it's more of a thriller. It messes with your head as you try to figure out if this is a battle between God and the Devil or between Man themselves. Is it our own inner demons we are fighting with or is the Devil pulling your strings?

The whole movie is filled with religious symbols and faith tag-lines. Personally I love that because I am a woman of faith. I enjoyed that it questioned both what is politically correct and what is faith driven. Now don't get me wrong, this is not one of those BELIEVE movies it is more about questioning.

The style of the film is very quick, the cuts and edits are fast and all the scenes in the elevator make you feel like you are in an elevator. The shots are so close that you start to feel claustrophobic. You also don't know who to trust and what the story is with each character.

I wouldn't say this movie moves fast, I think it's only an hour and a half but it feels longer, not in a bad way. The movie is kinda like a puzzle trying to figure things out. The characters are all likable and seem trust worthy so you are not sure who is good and who is bad. One character is faithless because he lost his family another man is very religious because of his background. These characters were everyday people that we all know in real life, which makes is scary. It's scary because you think you know and understand someone and then you are surprised.

My only beef with this movie was the fact that there is a guy fixing the elevator and he like disappears for 20 mins and we never figure out was confusing! Other than that there is a tiny M. Night twist but it's not movie altering. I say if you are in the mood for a thriller and like a film that challenges spirituality check it out.

Action: Some
Adventure: Not really
Romance: NONE
Scary: so so

Overall: I give it a B

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