Monday, November 12, 2012

Cloud Atlas

I went into Cloud Atlas with such high hopes. I wanted this movie to be great because it was such a different and risky story. I'm proud and excited to say that this movie exceeded all of my expectations. Every detail of this film is art....moving images as art. I'm sorry but the film scholar in me came out watching this movie. A sensational cast that had heart, emotion, love, pain, hate, and all of it done so smoothly. Nothing was forced you just believe in the magic.

The film is basically a story within a story within a story ect...ect. It's the idea that we are all interconnected in life over and over again. That our lives are not our own but we are apart of a bigger story. Our souls connect several times over different lifetimes. We are naturally connected to specific souls, they fulfill our lives.

The story is a little difficult to follow in the beginning but once you get the flow of things it becomes easy to hop from story to story. You get involved in one story in the 1970's and then jump back to a tale from 1930 and then forward to 2128. Each story just as interesting as the last.

Let's get into the a word....pure. Tom Hanks plays everything from a scientist, to a criminal author, an Actor, a corrupt doctor, and a future village man just trying to live his life. Each role is so pure with emotion and fear. You believe every character and you no longer see him as Tom Hanks, you see Dr. Henry, Isaac, and Zachry. Halle Berry is also closely connected to many of Tom Hank's characters, although you might not recognize her. She plays a young tribal boy, a white woman married to an author, a young journalist and an Asian male doctor of the future. Each character is wonderful and is proof that she is an Oscar winning actress.

We also have Jim Sturgess as the biggest surprise of the film. This film shows that Jim is going to have a long and very successful career. He has two big characters in this film Adam a man sent to the tropics during the 1900's for slaves. He ends up befriending a former slave and we see how every kindness is important in keeping us connected as humans. He also plays an Asian rebellion fighter of the future named Hae-Joo. Hae-Joo is trying to save Sonmi-351 played by Doona Bae. Sonmi is a clone worker of the future that stands with Hae-Joo to show that just because you were not born in a womb does not mean you do not have a soul. 'From womb to tomb we are all connected' Jim shows that he could be an action leading man in no time. He is running and fighting with ease and comfort. A truly talented actor that I can not wait to see more from. There are several other great actors like Susan Sarandon, Hugh Grant, Ben Whishaw, James D'Arcy, Hugo Weaving, Jim Broadbent, Keith David, and many more. I could write an entire book on this film....don't worry I won't...yet!

One other thing I must write about is the amazing make up effects of this film. Each character is different in each story. The make up is so naturally that you find yourself not even realising that the wife is Halle Berry or the old man is Tom Hanks. If this film does not get an Oscar Nom for best make up I am going to be pissed. It was amazing.

Also the special effects were smooth and believable. I found myself unsure what was real or what was CGI. That is the way that special effects are suppose to be. We are suppose to believe that this is the world and they belong together.

If you like a great story with heart and soul you will love this movie. It is a little long but I promise if you stick with the film it will be worth it. Allow yourself to go on this amazing ride and enjoy the lovely story telling. It will remind you that we are on this earth together to share love, pain, fear, joy, angry, and everything else. Enjoy!

Over All: A

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