Wednesday, February 20, 2019


100 Movies In 100 Days
Movie 14 Day 14

I know very little about Aquaman. I know that The Big Bang Theory likes to make fun of his powers. I remember Family Guy doing a few parodies of how crazy his fish talking ability is. To be fair, I was raised on Marvel but I have always loved Tim Burton's Batman films. I went into Aquaman with low expectations. I adore Jason Memoa and enjoyed him in Justice League but I didn't know how well Aquaman would do as a stand alone film. He meshed so well with The Flash and Wonder Woman, I was almost disappointed to see him on his own. I will say I was pleasantly surprised.

One major difference between Marvel and DC is DC is not afraid to go dark. They want to show humanity at our lowest and they succeed. So many DC characters act without thinking. In Aquaman there is a scene where Arthur aka Aquaman, has an opportunity to save a bad guy. Instead, he walks away, lets the guy dies in front of his kid, the kid wants revenge for his father and Aquaman creates a whole new enemy. You would never see Captain America leave someone behind like that! It was such a sinister moment. Even my 14 year old nephew was shocked! A very dark side to the DC Universe is characters only thinking of themselves.

Jason Momoa portrayed Arthur as funny and witty. I did not expect to laugh as much as I did. He mocks himself and his abilities. Jason seems to have a good sense of humor in real life, it shows during Aquaman. He makes up for the lack of chemistry between him and love interest Amber Heard. Maybe I just prefer Aquaman to be with Wonder Woman, either way Jason is the reason to watch the movie.

I was delighted to see Nicole Kidman play Arthur's mother. She is a run away queen that falls in love with a human. Tale As Old As Time has magically popped into my head! Nicole is a totally Bass A$$ in Aquaman. She fights off water demons with her trident and is a hero in her own right. I always love seeing the ladies fighting and standing up for themselves!

Regardless if you like the story or not, the special effects are next level amazing! I was worried the underwater scenes were going to be cheesy or look fake, not at all! The special effects were crisp and clear. I was impressed at the realism of the sea creatures and water. It all came together beautifully!

Over all a fun and entertaining movie. Not as good as Wonder Woman but still a fun film.

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