Wednesday, February 6, 2019

100 Movies in 100 Days

I am currently in a state of disarray. My life has been somewhat chaotic and I honestly need something to focus my time and energy on. Something positive that will bring me a little bit of joy. The one thing that consistently fills my heart with happiness is movies! When I'm feeling lonely, a movie is always there for me. I no longer feel completely alone. My home becomes a place for adventure, suspense and falling in love. I know....I know....such a chick! What can I say, I love a good romantic comedy. My heart races every time I watch Amelie. I cry at the ending of When Harry Met Sally. Actually, I cried at the ending of Amelie. I cry at a lot of movies. When you read the blog you will see how often I cry. I sincerely hope this is all coming across as charming and not exceedingly depressing.

The idea for 100 Movies in 100 Days came from watching Julie & Julia. A film so pure and wonderful, Nora Ephron's magic is in every shot. As I sat here watching the movie, I realized I was jealous of both Julie AND Julia. What a horrible feelings! I have a great life, why should I be jealous of these characters on screen? Then it hit me, they have a passion for something bigger than themselves. They have purpose. Amy Adams' husband also looks like Chris Messina, what a lucky girl! Sadly, I have no Chris Messina by my side but I won't let that stop me.

I need some purpose during this new chapter in my life but how do I decide which movies to watch? I've seen all the movies I own, all 800+ of them. I can't just put my Netflix on shuffle and see what happens. I looked up a few books but that are so many! I found 10 different books titled *Insert Number* Movies to see Before You Die. None of them really struck me but one thing I did find was a poster. I know a poster seems lame but the inner kid in me is excited. This is one of those scratch off posters. It's colorful and crafty. Go me! I also maintained my willpower and did not look at any of the titles ahead of time. I'm going to go in order, starting with the first to last. I'm thrilled to see what movies will be thrown at me. I have no idea if I've seen them or not but I'm going to watch them either way. I'm going into these movies with fresh eyes, even if I've seen it 20 times.

Here is the plan, starting tomorrow I am going to watch 100 movies in 100 days and write about each and everyone of them. Not just about the movie but about how it made me feel. I'm still trying to decide on a format. Should it be a live tweet/Buzzfeed style. Type what I'm thinking, as I'm thinking it? I think that would be authentic.  I'm so excited for this little adventure! I hope you will come along with me.


  1. Whatever style you choose, I'll be waiting to checkout your blog!

  2. Let me know if you want a movie buddy some evening! I miss movie nights with you!!

  3. Looking forward to adventuring with you as a reader!

  4. I think you should make yourself a little template per movie. Have a section for elements that you like, dislike, find too overtly stereotypical, why good ol' cliches turn into classics, dated elements that are now politically incorrect, theme that relates it to current events, leading ladies/men you love or hate, and then a big "stream of consciousness" note taking area for random thoughts, doodling, etc.

    1. Thank you so much for the tip! I'll have to give it a try
