Thursday, September 5, 2019

It Chapter Two

It Chapter Two
Day 40
Movie 40

I have been waiting to see It Chapter Two since the first film came out. I was terrified by the first film and was so thrilled when I heard the casting for the second film. I am a massive chicken when it comes to horror films. I have a love/hate relationship with them. Most of the time, I avoid horror films because I can't sleep for 3 days after I watch them. Even with the linger fear, I knew I wanted to see It Chapter Two. I purposely went to an earlier showing so I would have time to get de-terrified! I would also like to share that there were red balloons everywhere!!! I found one in the seat next to mine in the theater and there was a massive one floating around the parking lot after. Not.Helpful.

Here is my spoiler free review of It Chapter Two

Let's start off with the biggest bit of information. The movie is 2 hours and 50 minutes long but it goes by so fast. At no point was I bored or looking at my watch. I had no idea that's how long the movie was. I didn't even notice until I got into my car and saw the time. I'm so happy I went to an earlier showing because I wanted to get out before nightfall. You avoid monsters and killer clowns. Anyways, it is a long movie but the flow of the film is so well done that you don't even notice how long it's been. Just make sure you use the bathroom before the movie or you might pee yourself out of terror!

Was It Chapter Two scary?
Yes, the film was scary but not as terrifying as the first film. It Chapter Two seemed to focus more on the shock value of gore as opposed to jump scares. It had moments of blood, gore and you could see the jump scares coming from a mile away. You knew when something was going to flash on screen and you had a moment to prepare yourself. The movie only made me jump once. It made me look away from rotting flesh a bit more. Other than that, the film focused more on shock value. A pools of blood and gore but it was beautifully done. The makeup on It Chapter Two is masterful. It looked so real which made it even more unsettling. I don't know how they do it but it all looked so real to me. Yuck!

Is it better than the first film?
Yes and No. I would say It Chapter One is a little bit better than Chapter Two. It Chapter One was much scarier because we didn't know what was coming. The mystery behind Pennywise was lingering and we were not sure what the tone of the film would be. With Chapter Two we know what Pennywise looks like.  We understand the tone and we know what to expect little more. The acting has greatly improved with Chapter Two.  We see the child actors come into their own. They were able to bring a wonderful maturity to these young characters. With great ease Chapter Two includes the young actors from Chapter One. We see them grow into adults and it naturally flows into the grown up versions we are follow in Chapter Two.

Let's talk actors.
I am a massive Bill Hader fan. Once I heard he was in this film, I knew I had to see it. Bill Hader plays grown up Richie. He brings a much needed comic relief to the film and he shows his dramatic range. Bill Hader is a talented dramatic actor but most people are unaware of his range. Bill Hader brings a layer of vulnerability and genuine fear to Richie. He masks his real feelings with humor to avoid letting people in.

I was also impressed by Bill Skarsgard who plays Pennywise. What is with these Skarsgard men being so good at playing terrifying characters?! He's so good at being scary. I kept forgetting I was watching an actor and not a clown from my nightmares. Bill Skarsgard gives Pennywise a terrifying lingering presence that stays with the characters and the viewers. Still gives me the chills thinking about it.

My other favorite actor is James McAvoy who plays grown up Bill. James flows from brave hero to lost child effortlessly and does so with one glance. He brings a raw vulnerability to Bill. A lost little boy, filled with regret and fear. He really is the heart of this film.

Should you go see It Chapter Two?
YES! If you liked the first film you will really enjoy this one. For all my fellow horror movie chickens, I think you will be ok with this film. It's not nearly as scary as I thought it was going to be but it's still an entertaining ride. I think you will be fine just keep an eye out for red balloons in the parking lot.

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