This action packed film directed by James Mather and Stephen St. Leger is a future action film about a max security prison in outer space. There is a massive break out and the president's daughter, played by Maggie Grace, is hiding on board with all these insane criminals. The government scrambles to figure out how to help her. They decide to send in one man.....former officer Snow to try and recover her. There is alot more to the story but I do not want to ruin it for you.
The film was very entertaining it was like The Rock Meets The Fifth Element Meets CGI. The film uses a ton of CGI but it is well done and makes the film seem more futuristic. Guy Pierce as Snow is one of the best films I have seen him in for a while. He was so witty and funny and charming....I laughed so often at his fabulous one liners! I was also very impressed with the muscles he put on for this film. Guy has always been an attractive actor but never an action star....but I was made a believer by this film!
Maggie Grace plays the perfect stuck up first daughter trying to make a difference in her world. She is a little naive but her and Guy play off of one another so fantastically! They are quick and funny and butt kickers!
I say if you are looking for some type of entertaining action film....try this one out! It was really well done! Ok not the best movie I have ever seen but it was entertaining and served a purpose. I enjoyed it and thought it was creative and had great special effects!
Action: yep
Suspense: Clearly
Over All: B
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