I should forewarn all of you that is it 3:16 am and I just got home from seeing Breaking Dawn and I am very sleepy. I am also gonna post it and proof read it later. Sooo sleepy! I hope that this blog is not a bunch of rambling! I should warn you that there will be spoilers in this review. Not so much for people who have read the book but the new comers!
Let's hope into it Breaking Dawn starts right up quick with the wedding planning drama. I loved that because in the book I hated the random moments to get the story going. Alice is planning a dream wedding that would make the royals jealous! We see that Jacob has taken off as soon as he heard about the wedding. So Bella is worried and so afraid for her 'other loves' life.
The story is pretty much planned out in the trailer, they get married, Jacob says goodbye and lots of tears. There were a ton of great moments that were not in the book that they added for the movie. Some great moments with the cast making toasts to Bella and Edward. Pure gold if you ask me!
Bella and Edward go to Esme's private island and have the most awkward honeymoon ever. I must tell you that when they first got to the island it was so awkward. I was like cringing in my chair. The love scene was tasteful and very sweet. There were really cheesy bad acting moments the next morning. The whole was it good for you type things. There is drama between Edward being afraid that he will hurt Bella during their.....intimate moments. So it's this battle between I want you, you want me. yadda yadda yadda. Just as the honeymoon starts to go smooth enter the major problem of the movie....SPOILER!!!!
Bella is pregnant by Edward but the baby is not normal, it's half vamp! When the wolves find out about this they freak out because it could be a danger to Forks and the tribe. Jacob goes to see Bella and he has a good yelling at Edward. I must say that I think Taylor Launter (Jacob) saves this movie so many times, and I'm not just saying that because I'm Team Jacob. Taylor's acting in these scenes with Kristen and Rob are fantastic. Full of emotion and true heart. This kid is gonna go far in the industry.
Anyways Jacob tells the pack and they freak out. There is this very corny cheesy weird scene when the pack talks to each other as wolves. I thought it worked because that is how it is done in the book. When they are in wolf form, they use their minds to communicate. Well they did this in the movie and about half the theater laughed. Which I totally get because it is really weird.
Moving on.....Jacob decides to break from Sam's pack and be on his own. Now for those that don't know, Jacob's grandpa was head of the tribe. Jacob was asked to be the Alpha male but decided not to. When he stands up to Sam he makes himself the Alpha of a new pack. As Jacob runs to warn the Cullens that the wolves are coming for Bella we see that Leah and Seth decide to join Jacob's pack.
While all this is going on Bella is basically dying because the baby is both crushing her internally and draining all of he bodies nutrients. She looks sooooo nasty! I'm serious, they did a great job of making her look like totally death. She is nothing but skin and bone. She is frail and looks like she is going to die. It is honestly really hard to watch because she looks so sickly. I liked it because I thought it made it more real. In the book she is literally dying and in the movie you believe it!
So let's just get to the good stuff, Bella is forced to give birth because the baby broke her spine. Carlisle is out hunting so Edward, Rosalie, and Jacob are there to help. This part is really REALLY nasty! Edward has to BITE the baby out and Bella is covered in blood. Has the baby and basically dies. Edward freaks out and injects her with venom. Jacob is so upset that he goes outside and breaks down. During this the wolves are gathering to kill the Cullens and the baby. Jacob in his grief goes to attack the baby girl and once he sees her he can't.....because he imprinted on her! It's nothing nasty it's just that they are meant to be together and it's not a sexual thing. He will always be apart of her life for whatever she needs. She is what keeps him going and fighting. We get this amazing flash of the future with Jacob and Nessie. The girl that plays little Nessie and grown up Nessie are so beautiful. I can not wait for the next film because she is so lovely.
The pack comes and there is a little fight between the Cullens and the wolves. In the middle of the fight Jacob runs/leaps out and tells them that if they kill the baby they kill him. The reason is the tribe or pack is not allowed to harm anyone that has been imprinted on. That person is now apart of that family and they have to do anything to protect that person. So basically the wolves now have to respect and protect Nessie because she is connected to Jacob.
The film ends with everyone waiting over Bella and he slowly turning into a beautiful vampire. The movie ends with Bella opening her Blood Red Eyes! Stay for the credits because there is a little moment with the Volture.
Ok let's drive into what I liked and what I didn't! I loved Taylor, I thought his acting really stood out in this film. The scenes with him and Kristen were so heartbreaking and emotional that you really believe it. There were alot of new scenes that were added that were not in the book and I really enjoyed those. It was a part of the story that was new to everyone.
The cinematography of the movie was amazing! The way that the director used colors to make a scene more emotional was great. The color red is a really big factor and it works so well. The special effects were also amazing. The wolves look better and better in each film. They look so real that you just wanna walk up and pet one of them. The way they used special effects to show how bad the pregnancy was for Bella was haunting. I mean those images really stay with you. The costumes were beautiful, as always. Bella's wedding dress was so classic. It had this amazingly low cut lace back and it looked great on Kristen.
The acting gets a little better in each film. Kristen has improved alot since the first film. She has more of a range and emotion. Rob is good but always has those few moments of bad acting. Only one or two but he does a great job most of the time. Taylor and Billy (charlie) were fantastic. Billy Burke has such great comedic timing but at the same time so much heart. The vampires and wolves are about the same, ok acting not bad. I honestly wanted more of the wolves in this movie but I figure the next one will have them a ton.
Over all I really enjoyed it, it's alot darker than the other films. It was close to being rated R but they edited it to make it PG-13. Like I said it's really dark and shows tons of blood....nasty. This is not a movie for young kids teens will be fine but it's an intense movie.
Action: Yeah
Romance: DUH
Adventure: not really
Over All: A-
Ps. It is now 3:49 am and I can hardly keep my eyes open! Good Night!
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