Well i was surprised that RED was as good as it was. I knew it would be pretty good but it exceeded all my expectations. I must say that John Malkovich made the entire movie! He was witty and funny and just flat out crazy! His character is a paranoid retired CIA agent who was given daily amounts of LSD for 11 years.....so needless to say...he's a little crazy! He's also very funny and has all the best lines in the movie. The best part is when he yells "I'll get the pig out!"
Bruce Willis is basically Bruce Willis, he kicks butt and takes names. His character was an agent who was the best of the best and finds out that the government is out to kill him. He is one of those secret agents that everyone has respect for. He also has a crush on Mary Louis Parker's character. Their relationship is fun because it's very casual and humorous.
Karl Urban is fantastically stunning and Bad A$$! He plays a CIA agent sent after Willis and they have so many good fight scenes. It really gets me excited to see what else we will see from Mr. Urban in the future. He has boatloads of talent and it really shows in this movie.
No awesome action flick can happen without Morgan Freeman or Helen Mirren. They both play retired agents who helps out Willis in his adventure. Helen is the killing expert and she is really believable! It's a fun cast and a fun movie. I say check it out if you are in the mood for tons of actions and gun fighting! Enjoy!
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