Tuesday, August 31, 2010


You should be very aware that I love a good vampire movie! I have always loved the idea of vampires and I have 11 vampire themed movies in my film collection! So when I heard about this film I jumped at the idea of a vampire society!

So the whole idea of Daybreakers is vampires have over taken society. They sort of explain it as a virus that came out and then became the "cure" for death. The film starts in the middle of this society and we see that humans are almost extinct. If there are no humans than there is no blood. Now this isn't some Twilight story where the characters can just eat animals...it doesn't work like that. The vampires become more aggressive and savage if they go without human blood for too long!

Ethan Hawke plays our human loving vampire (who happens to be named Edward....seriously...no one thought hmmmm there is already a movie franchise with that vampire name....Oh well...moving on!) So he is trying to create a human blood substitute, he believes this will "save" the remaining humans.

Well along the way we meet Willem Dafoe who was a vampire but became human again. To be honest I'm still a little confused on how it all worked...something about sunlight and oxygen....it's a bit confusing but just go with it! Anyways....so the story becomes this crazy puzzle between humans and vampires, vampire vs vampires, vampires vs mutated vampires! All the makings of a fantastic story!

It is full of BLOOD and action so be ready for a bit of gore. Nothing you can't handle....I hope! So go to your local video store or redbox and get Daybreakers! If you like vampire stories this is a must watch!

Gore: TONS
Blood: Hello....vampires!
Action: Intense!
Overall I give it a A- just because I love me a good vampire story~!

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